[EVENT] 2024 - Human Ancient DNA, Ancestry, and Mobility (HAAM) Webinar February 2024: Tiina Mattila and Maïté Rivollat

Dear all

Members of the Human Ancient DNA, Ancestry, and Mobility (HAAM)-community are happy to announce our first HAAM-Tasting Webinar scheduled for Wednesday, 20th of March at 9.00 CET.

Find more information here: https://forms.gle/xVvs8h4g2YVSw4mZ6

The webinar will start with two presentations by invited speakers - Tiina Mattila from Uppsala University and Maïté Rivollat from Ghent University - and give other young career researchers the opportunity to share their projects as well. We’re looking for young career researchers (Master’s and PhD students as well as Early Postdoctoral Researchers) specialising in Eurasian population demography and social organisation of the past.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Xavier Roca Rada (xavier.rocarada@adelaide.edu.au) or Tina Saupe (tina.saupe@ebc.uu.se) via Slack or email.



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Website - https://haam-community.github.io<https://haam-community.github.io/ Slack - https://join.slack.com/t/haam-community/shared_invite/zt-1ug7gbpas-uNgFmXSHHeC6GS7ksSGjDw Twitter - @haam_community Mastodon - @haam_community@genomic.social