[EVENT] 2024 - Unveiling the evolutionary history of pathogens through paleogenomics (SMBE Session)

Dear ISBA members,

We are pleased to announce that our session entitled “Unveiling the evolutionary history of pathogens through paleogenomics” has been accepted for SMBE 2024! The conference will take place from July 7 to 11, 2024, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

We encourage everyone working on pathogen evolutionary biology, particularly those working on ancient DNA, to submit their abstracts before the 15th of March at this link: https://smbe2024registration.org/abstracts

We are excited to have as invited speakers for our session Dr. Tanvi Honap and Dr. Elizabeth Nelson!

For more information about the conference: https://smbe2024.org/ (we are topic 4, session 14). Register by May 10 for Early Bird registration rates!

We are looking forward to reading all your abstracts and to welcome you in Puerto Vallarta in July!

Yours faithfully,

Miriam Bravo López, Shreya Ramachandran, Aida Andrades Valtueña, and Gunnar Neumann