[EVENT] 2024 - Cross-community webinar on reproducibility and reporting of laboratory procedures in Bioarchaeology

Dear all,

The four bioarchaeology communities of AaRC, HAAM, PAASTA, and SPAAM are teaming up to announce the first Webinar in our Cross-Community series!

The webinar will begin with a talk from James A. Fellows Yates (MPI-EVA) on “Improving reporting and reproducibility of lab work in biomolecular archaeology”.

The presentation will be followed by a roundtable discussion on the topic of lab work reproducibility, open to all attendees.

Attendance to the webinar is free and open to the whole community (following registration), and particularly to students and early career researchers, particularly those familiar with wetlab work!

Information on the Webinar can be found here: https://haam-community.github.io/events/2024/05/08/event/

You can register your attendance here: Registration Form

Registration is required to get the Zoom invitation to the webinar.

On behalf of the organisers,

Thiseas C. Lamnidis